Brand You: Corporate Headshots Get a Little More Personal

Something you may not know about me is that I do a lot of Corporate Headshots.  It is not something that I promote necessarily, they just seem to come my way.  And while I love creating beautiful head shots, I also like to spend a little more time during the session to capture shots that are not necessarily corporate looking.  This is especially true with women.  Every woman deserves to feel beautiful, and I like to incorporate these images into their corporate session.

In the past month, I have done a lot of these type of sessions… that I call “Brand You”.   Here is a link to one of my beautiful client’s new websites:  She is an amazing woman and a life coach that helps people live the life of their dreams.  And another amazing woman, Lisa Feren, who helps business-minded entrepreneurs and small businesses craft their unique message and stand out online!  Check out some of her images on her website by clicking here…

One of the most fun parts of the Brand You sessions for my female clients, is that we provide and hair and makeup prior to the photography session.  It really helps create excitement and makes my beautiful clients feel pampered.  Here is a sneak peak of my client and friend Liza Ferer!  She is an amazing women and Real Estate agent based in Aliso Viejo.  She looked absolutely stunning in her images and we had so much fun during the session.  The quote of the day was, “Kristin I had no idea you were so crazy”!   Enjoy!




