This summer it was my pleasure to photograph lots and lots of families visiting Laguna Beach on vacation!  Destination family photography is so much fun for me because I love getting to know families from all over the world.  It is also a fabulous time to book a session, as everyone is rested, sunkissed and looking and feeling their best.   For this beautiful family we headed down to Victoria Beach and were lucky to have amazing weather and a relatively quiet beach.  You can really see how much they all enjoyed each other.  Now back in school and off to college, I hope these beautiful portraits are a memory they can charish forever!

The thing about doing most of my sessions on location is…. you never know what will happen.  Wind, rain, HEAT all can throw a wrench in an otherwise easy session.  That is why I carry lots of tools to deal with the elements!  Off camera lights to combate too bright sunlight, scrims to create artifical shade and reflectors to really make eyes pop are just some of the tool I use to ensure you get the best images under any circumstances.  Lucky for me, San Juan Capistrano has lots of big trees and funky structures, the only way to block wind.  Despite the elements, we still managed to capture some beautfiul family images of the Degarmo family a few weeks back.  Alex, their daughter, was one of the first gals to have a birthday party at Blue Sky’s Studio and look at her now…beautiful and all grown up in college.  Enjoy~

I can’t believe today is the first day of high school for my son Cameron!  Where does the time go??  I watched him walk slowly up the staircase to his first class and felt proud to be his Mom (or as he calls me, Mamalee)!  So for me it is back to my third child.. Blue Sky’s.  I have some many fabulous sessions to share with you and I am excited for another holiday season. Please, if you are a member of our Blue Sky’s family, and book a family session each year, try to book early.  We want to provide you with beautiful family images, holiday cards, wall art and with exceptional service.  Our cut off date for holiday cards will be earlier this year and I want to make sure we can accommodate everyone!

So, the first amazing session to share with you is this drop dead gorgeous gal.  She was my first model for this new, very secret location and she did an amazing job.  I love the contrast of the white and the black outfits!  Enjoy~

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When I opened Blue Sky’s Salon and Studio, over 10 years ago, I really had a “Baptism by Fire” type of experience.  I went from a corporate job, to running a busy business with my husband and having two small kids.  My saving grace was how many helpful people I met along the way!  From getting photography tips, to helping run my party business and store, I owe my success to all of the people who helped me along the way.  Soooo, I get a lot of pleasure out of helping my friends and loved ones to become successful.

This fabulous photography session was part class and part real session.  Two of my friends are very talented photographers, but have not had as much experience as me in the studio.  I hope you all enjoy the beautiful results! :)