Tag Archive for: Orange County photography

I am not going to waste a lot of time typing a bunch of stuff on my blog posts, because let’s face it, we all know you check out Clicking with Kristin to look at the stunning pictures that are posted and not to read my brilliant writing (albeit witty it is).  So let me just say this much…

The Hardgrave girls helped kick off our first weekend of Styled Sessions and I must say, they were such a blast to work with.  It was easy to style such beautiful girls and I think Kristin and Anna did a stellar job (as usual) taking the gorgeous pictures.  I think we captured the essence of Boho Chic.  Thank you Hardgrave family!


SO, we at Blue Sky’s Studio are gearing up for our FABULOUS Styled Session Shoots for 2012.  We can’t wait to capture all the beautiful families, children, high school seniors and couples in stunning photographs. And to ramp up for our amazing Styled Sessions and get our creative juices flowing (ok, and also because the idea of kissing my son all over his face is something I am never opposed to….seriously….), we did an impromptu shoot for Valentine’s Day with Kristin’s kiddos and my kiddos (Kristin took these pics in about 20 min…..that woman is a true artist I tell ya) .  So I MIGHT be a LITTLE biased, but these kids are just gorgeous.  And the pictures…..well, they need no words.

Je t’aime.

P.S.  Pop over to our FACEBOOK page and check out our “All You Need Is Love” mini Valentine’s Day treat.  ONLY AVAILABLE TO FACEBOOK FANS!!!


I am going to let you in on a little secret……..we are going to do 20 of the most AMAZING styled editorial sessions this year and we made some changes to our styled sessions to help ensure that they will all be stellar…

1.  We are only going to do 20 of them….but we are going all out for the 20 we do.

2.  We are using a professional stylist that will help with props and furniture.

3.  We are providing clothing consultations/guidance.

4.  We are spending 2-3 hours on each session.

Go big or go home, right?  I can’t wait!

Ok, and I know that the holidays are over and the LAST thing anyone wants to think about is holiday cards, but I beg of you….think about taking advantage of one of these styled sessions for your family photos for holiday cards this year…..especially those of you who want a standout, unique, “up-all-year-not-just-during-the-holidays” type of card……just something to think about.

Happy Week everyone!

Okay, I know it is bias to say this is my “favorite” family, but I really, really love them.  Jan and I share the same ethnicity (Jan I know you know what I am talking about).  I think everyone has a friend that you think, “if only my kids can grow up as great as her kids, I will be able to say I am successful as a parent” (in this case the oldest two kids… as her youngest is the same age as my son, but fabulous in her own rite :))  The best part of the session was that not only did I photograph John and Jan’s immediate family, I also got to work with all the extended family (who, by the way, are also fabulous people).  I hope you enjoy the portraits as much as I enjoyed shooting them!!!!

Most of you probably know that I am officially on vacation until next week, but I could not resist posting a few images from a recent engagement session with this hot couple!!!!  Talk about great legs…. Amanda looked stunning.  I especially loved that she incorporated the fur coat that was her grandma’s into her wardrobe.  These two are getting married at the San Clemente casino… swoon!  I love the open floor plan and the fabulous grounds at this venue.  I can’t wait to show it off when we post their wedding images this summer!  One of the best parts of the wedding for me will be the vintage travel theme.  I really love old textures and vintage details incorporated into wedding themes.

For my wonderful family of Blue Sky’s clients, I am busy this week getting ready for our popular styled sessions.  This year I will provide clothing, props, special locations and lots more to make each session unique.  We will only be offering 20 sessions for January and February combined, and it will be on a first come, first serve basis.  Some of the themes that I already have planned are Urban color smash, gypsy inspired for kids, creekside for families, vintage cars for up to 3 families, Play in the snow in Arrowhead, angle inspired for little girls and so much more!   E-mail us directly for more details at kristin@blueskysstudio.com.

Hope everyone had a wonderful new year and all my good blessings for a fabulous 2012!  Enjoy!